Frequently Asked Questions

How much will the software cost? The current student price for the Adobe Creative Cloud  should be checked at

Why isn’t Longwood Graphic and Animation Design supporting a computer lab? Students overwhelmingly prefer to use their own laptops over University supplied Lab machines. Additionally, the use of personal machines allows for a flexible classroom which affords team and collaborative learning possibilities, eliminates the problems of student’s work in two different places, and the problem of incompatible versions of software.

I already have a desktop at home; do I still have to buy a laptop? Yes, in order to participate in Graphic and Animation Design classes, students must work on their personal computer that must be brought to the classroom.

Do I need a printer? It might be convenient to have a personal printer; however, there are high-end printers in the Graphic and Animation Design space available for student use. 

When should I get my computer and software? All the software should be purchased and installed prior to the first day of class in your freshman year.

What is the life of the computer and software? With reasonable care and use, you should expect to use the computer for the four years of your college career, and after graduation. At some point after graduation, you may want to upgrade the software.

Can the laptop be purchased using money from student loans? Yes! You may use Financial Aid funds for the purchase of your laptop. For further information and instructions, please contact the Financial Aid office.