Resume & Cover Letter Help

Create connection-ready documents

Looking to create or update your resume and cover letter? Use our examples as a guide and once you're ready stop by or email University Career Services to have your documents reviewed by a Career Coach.

LinkedIn and Networking

Visit Linkedin and start building your profile

Linkedin is the world's best website for building connections and strengthening your network. This is a great place to start for any student that is looking to begin their professional journey and begin making industry connections. Of course, we encourage all students to visit University Career Services for additional help on all things Linkedin.

Discover your earning potential with LinkedIn Salary. Explore salaries by job title and location. See how years of experience, industry, location, and more can impact your salary. 

Graduate School Resources

The application process for graduate school is a little different from the job search process. That's why we've tailored resources exclusively for that process. 

Interviewing Tips

You have our tip sheets and sample questions, now what? Make an appointment with us to practice your answers of course!

O*NET Interest Profiler

The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you define what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work, and the kinds of careers you might want to explore.