Pi Mu Epsilon Problem of the Month 2006-2007

Pi Mu Epsilon 2006-7 Primo PotM Solvers:
1st place: Ashley Swandby2nd place: Tim Buckler
Faculty/Staff: Paul Moriarty

2006-7 Problems:

April 2007 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Ashley Swandby, Michael Souza, Tim Buckler, Edith Schenck, Ashley Duncan, Christina Moon
Honorable Mention: Neal Livesay, Katie O'Bannon, Catherine Swandby, Kaitlin Campbell, Kelly Moore & Kelsie Bradberry
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Cyrus Shadzad, Ron McPherson, Marc Hanna, Lee Friedman, Paul Moriarty, Alan Williamson
March 2007

Problem submitted by
Philip Riley and Laura Taalman.

Flagrant Promotion:
Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Tim Buckler, Ashley Swandby, Bobby Markey, Lori Reeves, Sarah Smith, Elizabeth Creath, Joseph Gordon, Jen Eckrote, Kim Bowman, Sally Spangenberg
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Glenn Dardick, Henry McCoy, Paul Moriarty, Alan Williamson, Maike Huss, Consuelo Alvarez and Henry Lutz, James DiMaggio, Robert Herdegen III, Tim & Emalee Owens, Lee Friedman, Marc Hanna
February 2007 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: None--lack of justification
Honorable Mention: Ashley Swandby, Elizabeth Creath, Hunter English, LaShel Bradley, Zack Johnson, Joseph Gordon, Kim Bowman, Sarah Smith, Amanda Shankle, Elisabeth Thompson
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Glenn Dardick, Paul Moriarty, Brenda Meshejian, Matt McGregor, Sandra Bollinger, Jerry Latell, Faith Pence, Roman Cech, James DiMaggio, Marc Hanna, Maike Huss, Steven Samaras
January 2007 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Ashley Swandby, Neal Livesay, Tim Buckler, Louis Franzel, Catherine Swandby, Becky Fried, Jeremy Pinkerton, Andy Orth, Joseph Gordon, Hunter English
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Steven Samaras, Paul Moriarty, Sandra Bollinger, Chuck Ross, Keith Rider, Maike Huss
December 2006 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Ashley Swandby, Jessica Jones
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Paul Moriarty
November 2006 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Ashley Swandby
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Brenda Meshejian, Paul Moriarty
October 2006 from Dell Math Puzzles and Logic Problems; Dell Publishing; Number 67, November 2003 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Amanda Shankle, Zack Johnson & Sally Spangenberg, Charlie Trainum, Tennant Brastow, Brandi Gross, Ashley Swandby, Kim Bowman, Samantha Soukup, Morgan Hultman, Amy Pruett & Emily Briggs, Maddie Stevens, Ashley Pennington, Amanda Lenhardt, Shamra Johnson, Sarah Smith, Jen Eckrote, Chris Ogg, Teresa Stowe, Sarah Curtis, Jessica Talley, Drew Santella, Allison Hodges, Ashley Harris & Kelly Holcome, Brittany Berneski & Sarah Davenport
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Sandra Bollinger, Paul Moriarty, Alan Williamson, James DiMaggio, Dan Dougherty
September 2006 Problem Status: SOLVED
Correct Student Solutions: Ashley Swandby, Tennant Brastow
Honorable Mention: Jon Larson & Brice O'Hara, Josh Rainville & Brandon Yanna
Correct Non-Student Solutions: Sandra Bollinger, Paul Moriarty, Dan Dougherty

The Fine Print

Each month, Dr. Lunsford, Dr. Poplin, and I will choose problems of the month. The general rules are: The Longwood student with the maximum number of correct solutions during the 2006-7 academic year will win a prize of (at this point) undetermined value. A runner-up will also win a prize. Date of submission will be used to break ties.

We will not post solutions to unsolved problems. However, if you would like to come in to the office after the due date to discuss a problem, we'd be happy to hear from you. Another note: correct solutions submitted by Longwood Math/CS faculty are not included in the solver's list.

Open Call for Future Problems of the Month

PotM Year 6 PotM Year 5 PotM Year 4 PotM Year 3 PotM Year 2 PotM Year 1