Student Showcase Logo
Student Showcase Logo

Students from Dr. Brandon Jackson's BIOL 473- Comparative Biomechanics class and Dr. Elif Guler's ENGL 305- Rhetoric and Public Culture class and students who conducted independent research projects in chemistry, english, biology, computer science, social work and science education will present their research during the Spring Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry on April 23. 


Please visit Ruffner 116 between 1:45 PM and 4:00 PM to hear about their research. Topics will include:


- Comparing Earthquakes to Sex: A Poetic Exploration of the Female Body, Sexuality, and Power

- The Diversity and Distribution of Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) along an Urban Gradient

- Analyzing flight patterns and behavior of dragonflies engaged in aerial territory battles

- Care, No Matter What: Planned Parenthood’s Rhetorical

- The Kinship Care Debate: Is New Necessarily Better?  A review of protective factors and risk factors in traditional versus contemporary policy approaches to child welfare


and more! Please stop by to hear about the students' research.


 Spring 2019 Independent Research presentations