Engl. 323-01 The Romantic and Victorian Ages Fall 2003


MWF Grainger 16. Dr. Lund (home page)

Texts:    The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume II, Seventh Edition. ed. M. H. Abrams et al.;
            Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (in installments to be provided--do not buy a text!)

Course Objectives: An understanding of our cultural heritage as revealed in literature, its movements and traditions.

August 25:         Introduction:  Brown vs. Board of Education

27:                     Great Expectations (part 1)

29:                     William Blake, from Songs of Innocence & Experience

September 1:    Labor Day; no class

3:                        Great Expectations (parts 2, 3)

5:                        William Wordsworth, from Lyrical Ballads

8:                        Dorothy Wordsworth, from Journals


9:                       W. Wordsworth, "The Ruined Cottage"

11:                     Coleridge, "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner"

14: Trollope 10-15

16: Mary Wollstonecraft, from The Rights of Women

18: Sir Walter Scott, "The Two Drovers"

21: Exam part 1: short answer

23: Exam part 2: essay

25: Percy Shelley, Prometheus Unbound

28: Trollope 16-21

30: Bryon, Manfred

October 2: Mary Shelley, "Transformation"

5: Trollope 22-27

7: Keats, "Lamia"

9: Keats, the Odes; Paper Due

* Fall Break *

14: Trollope, 28-33

16: Matthew Arnold, "Dover Beach," Culture and Anarchy

19: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, from Aurora Leigh

21 Tennyson, from The Princess, In Memoriam

23: Trollope, 34-39

26: Tennyson, from Idylls of the King

28: Robert Browning, the dramatic monologue

30: Trollope, 40-45

November 2: Browning, cont.

4: George Eliot, from The Mill on the Floss

6: George Meredith, Modern Love

9: Exam part 1: short answer

11: Exam part 2: essay

13: Trollope, 46-51

16: Thomas Henry Huxley, Science and Culture,

Agnosticism and Christianity

18: Christina Rosetti, lyrics

20: Trollope, 52-57

23: Paper Due

* Thanksgiving *

30: William Morris, "The Defense of Guenevere"

December 2: Gerald Manley Hopkins

4: Trollope, 58-60 (April 1864)

7: Review

9:     Final Exam: 8:00-10:30

Course Requirements: read the material listed below for discussion on the dates shown (200 points); write one short critical paper (100 points); write one longer paper including historical and critical sources (150 pints); write two essay exams on material read and discussed in class (200 points); write an essay final exam on the material of the course (150 pints). Unannounced quizzes will be given to determine if the reading is being done on time; the average of these quizzes is worth 200 points. You should save all returned written work from the course for one semester. Grading scale: 90%=A; 80%=B; 70%=C; 60%=D; less than 60%=F.

Attendance Policy: The attendance policy for this course is the same as the college policy in the College Catalog and the Student Handbook. Unexcused absences for more than 10% of classes may lower a final grade one letter. Absence, excused and/or unexcused, from more than 25% of classes may be an automatic F in the course.

Honor Code: Students are expected to abide by the college Honor Code.

Inclement Weather: If the college closes for inclement weather, students should continue work as outlined above.

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