English 421/521  Major Figures in Fiction:  Charles Dickens/Anne Tyler

August    25:        Introduction:  Accidents

               27:       Dickens, Bleak House (I)

               29:        Tyler, Celestial Navigation (pp. 1-85)

September 1:        Labor Day; no class

                  3:        Bleak House (II, III)

                  5:       Celestial Navigation (pp. 85-152)

                  8:       Dickens, The Chimes (147-199)

                10:       Celestial Navigation (152-223)

                12:       Bleak House (IV, V)

                15:       The Chimes (199-245)

                17:       Celestial Navigation (224-276)

                19:        Bleak House (VI, VII)

                22:        Tyler, Morgan's Passing (1-89)

                24:        Paper # 1 Due

                26:        No class

                29:        No class

 October    1:       Bleak House (VIII, IX, X)

                 3:         Morgan's Passing (89-180)

                 6:         Morgan's Passing (180-269)

                 8:         Bleak House (XI)

                10:        Morgan's Passing (269-346)

                13:        No class; Fall Break

                15:        Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin Drood (I)--text provided; do not puchase


                17:        Anne Tyler, Saint Maybe (pp. 1-87)

                20:        Paper #2 Due

                22:        Bleak House (XII-XIII)

                24:        Saint Maybe (88-174)

                27:        Drood (II)

                29:        Bleak House (XIV-XV)

                31        Saint Maybe (175-268)

November 3:        Drood (III)

                 5:        Bleak House (XVI)

                 7:        Saint Maybe (269-373)

                10:        Drood (IV)

                12:        Bleak House (XVII)

                14:        Paper #3 Due

                17:        Drood (V)

                19:        Bleak House (XVIII)

                21:        Anne Tyler, When We Were Grownups  (Chapters 1-3)

                24:        Drood (VI)

 *    *    *    Thanksgiving    *    *    *

December  1:        Grownups (chapters 4-7)

                  3:        Bleak House (XIX-XX)

                  5:        Grownups  Paper #4 Due (Chapters 8-11)

                 11:       Final Exam (11:30-2:00)

Course Requirements:  read the material specifically assigned for discussion on the dates shown (200 points); write four essays (100, 100, 100, 300  points) and one essay final exam (200 points).  You should save all returned written work from the course.  Grading scale:  90%=A; 80%=B; 70%=C; 60%=D; less than 60%=F.
Policies:  See the College Catalog and the Student Handbook.  Unexcused absences for more than 10% of classes may
lower a final grade one letter.  Absence, excused and/or unexcused, from more than 25% of classes may be an automatic F
in the course.  Students are expected to abide by the college Honor Code.
Inclement Weather:  If the college closes for inclement weather, students should continue work as outlined above.

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