English 201-05/06         World Literature          Fall 2003

TR 9:30-10:45; 11:00-12:15 Grainger G18; Dr. Lund (Grainger G10; 395-2168;
Office Hours:  MW 10:00-10:50; TTR 1:45-2:45; and by appointment.

Texts:  All texts except Life of Pi (Harcourt) are Dover Thrift Editions

August     26:      Introduction:    Orchids (no reading assignment)

        28:    :        Yann Martel, Life of Pi (pp. 1-25); Euripides, The Trojan Women

September  2:     "Sinbad the Seaman" from Arabian Nights; comma splice

         4:              Euripides; Hippolytus; Life of Pi (pp.25-50)

         9:             "Aladdin" from Arabian Nights

        11:             "Ali Baba" from Arabian NightsLife of Pi (pp. 50-76)

        16:           Ancient Chinese Poetry "Shi Jing"--poems 1-10; 140-150; 310-320


        18:                Basho, Narrow Road of the Interior";  Life of Pi (pp. 76-105)


        23:                "Shi Jing"--poems 11-20; 151-160; 300-09

        25:           Essay Exam (sample question here)

        30:               Reading Day (no class meeting)

October      2:      Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther (pp. 1-39); Life of Pi (pp. 105-37)

          7:          The Life of Olaudah Equianao (pp. 1-61)

          9:          The Sorrows of Young Werther (pp. 40-88); Life of Pi (137-62)

*  *  *  Fall Break  *  *  *

        16:              The Life of Olaudah Equianao (pp. 61-119)

        21:                  Dream of the Red Chamber Preface, Chapter One (begin with this sentence:  "Listen then, kind reader, to the story as recorded on the stone."


        23:               Life of Pi (pp. 162-92); Haiku (read general introduction to the haiku; read biographies and first 10 haiku by Basho, Buson,  and Issa)


        28:                 The Life of Olaudah Equianao (pp. 120-184)

        30:           Life of Pi (pp. 192-221)

November     4:    Baudelaire, "Flowers of Evil" (pp. 1-27)

         6:                Essay Exam

        11:                "Flowers of Evil" (pp. 27-54)

        13:                Tolstoy, "How Much Land Does a Man Need"; Life of Pi (pp. 225-240)

        18:                "The Life of Kieu" (Vietnamese)


        20:           Life of Pi (240-283)

        25:                Tolstoy, "The Kreutzer Sonata"; Research

*  *  *  Thanksgiving  *  *  *

December      2:    Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People (pp. 1-50)

         4:          An Enemy of the People ; Life of Pi (pp. 283-319)

        10:               Final Exam: 11:30-2:00 (9:30 class); 3:00-5:30 (11:00 class)

Course Requirements:  read--before the dates shown--the material specifically assigned for discussion (200 points); take
regular short quizzes (average=200 points); write two in-class essay exams (400 points); write an essay final exam (200
points).  Some assignments may not be graded.
Grading:  You should save all written work from the course for one semester.  Grading scale:  90%=A; 80%=B; 70%=C;
60%=D; less than 60%=F.
Policies:  The make-up work for any absence, excused or unexcused, is a one-page typed essay on the reading including
direct quotations from the text and correct citation (MLA style) for the class missed due at the beginning of the next class
attended.  A superficial essay will result in a quiz grade of zero.
See also the College Catalog and the Student Handbook.  Unexcused absences for more than 10% of classes may lower a
final grade one letter.  Absence, excused and/or unexcused, from more than 25% of classes may be an automatic F in the
course.  Students are expected to abide by the college Honor Code.
Inclement Weather:  If the college closes for inclement weather, students should continue work as outlined above.

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