Grad spotlights

Career Shift Success
As a career switcher — a nontraditional student — Ticknor has found Longwood to be a welcoming and supportive community

CSD Grad Students and Faculty Team up to Publish Research
Longwood’s own CSD program sets itself apart with its emphasis on faculty-student partnerships that build a supportive, immersive learning community.

From Student to Instructor
Graduate student finds collaboration and connection in Longwood’s CSD Program

CSD Student Explores Interdisciplinary Training, Telepractice, and Hybrid Learning
Project identified a need for telepractice training — research that became critical with the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic

Listening with Love
CSD Program director hears the sound of student success

Learning Beyond the University Walls
Longwood CSD Students Publish Special Education Research

In Her Sister's Steps
Experiencing Longwood’s CSD Graduate Program as Siblings, Sisters, and Friends