Would you like to learn more about how to conduct research remotely and/or virtually? Are you curious about how students and faculty at other universities in Virginia are conducting research virtually this fall?
If so, please join us on Friday October 23, 2020 from noon-1pm for the first moderated panel in the "Remote and Virtual Research in the Age of Disruption" series. This series is for faculty and students.
This series is hosted by the Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa). NURVa is a consortium of Virginia colleges and universities dedicated to supporting undergraduate research and creative activity throughout the state.
The first panel discussion on Arts, Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts will be Friday, October 23, from noon-1pm. Learn more here: NURVa Panel October 23
This event will be followed by similar panels on
STEM: November 6, 2020 from noon-1pm
Social Sciences and Business: November 20, 2020 from noon-1pm
For more information, contact Dr. Amorette Barber, barberar@longwood.edu, or  Dr. David A. Salomon, david.salomon@cnu.edu