In collaboration with the IRB committee, the Office of Student Research has created a centralized repository of student-led research surveys. This new webpage will post links to student-led surveys for class and independent research projects. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to utilize this new student-led research survey repository.

Having a centralized repository will hopefully increase the number and diversity of respondents for student research surveys and reduce survey solicitation fatigue. The Office of Student Research will manage this site by posting and removing student research surveys as needed. There will also be a prize drawing at the end of each semester to incentivize completion of the student research surveys posted on this site.

Click on the following link to access to the new centralized repository for student research surveys:


What does this mean for you?

-        If you would like to use a survey as part of a class-based or independent research project, please complete the link expired


On this form, students will need to include information about their survey, the survey end date, and the link to their survey that will be posted in the central repository. Once the submission form is complete, the Office of Student Research will post the survey on the central repository site. The survey will be removed from the central repository site after the survey end date.


-          Please remember that you will likely need to obtain approval from Longwood’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) before you administer their survey. Please visit the Longwood IRB Committee webpage for more information.


-          At the end of the survey, in the "thank you for your participation" box that appears after the subject submits the survey, students will need to include a link to a second survey to record student participation in completing a survey. Here is the link they will need to include: link expired


In this text, students should provide assurance that clicking on the link and entering their contact information will not be connected with their individual responses to the survey and will only be used to record participation and determine winners for the end of the semester prize drawings.


-         Check out this Technical settings for surveys document that provides more information about survey requirements.


-          Even if you do not have students who are using survey research for class or independent projects, please encourage your students to visit the central student research survey repository site and complete the posted surveys. The department with the highest number of students completing the surveys will be recognized on the Office of Student Research site and will earn bragging rights for the semester.


If you have any questions about this new centralized repository of student-led research surveys, please contact Amorette Barber, Director of the Office of Student Research at ( or (


For questions about IRB, please contact Dr. Jo Morrison, Chair of the Institutional Review Board at