‘I developed my own sense of what I believe a healthy and inclusive democracy entails in my political science studies at Longwood.’ — Mike Burns ’05
Dr. Carolyn Wells, professor emerita of biology who also served as Longwood’s chief academic officer from 1975-1981, passed away on December 18.
Longwood’s Civitae Core Curriculum is teaching students to think about issues that have serious ramifications and no perfect solutions.
Mario Jones ’11, a lead engineer with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), gives Longwood physics faculty a sizeable portion of the credit for preparing him for success in his career.
Whether you have something in mind already or are still searching for ideas, check out a few great gift ideas made or sold by Lancers.
Paid internship is a different kind of rescue mission
For many Longwood students, Prince Edward’s consequential civil rights history, including the 5-year closing of the county’s public schools in response to court-ordered desegregation, is something they learn about only after arriving on campus. But not Jocelyn Watson ’24—her family lived that history.
Novelist and short story writer Patricia Engel has been selected as the 2023 winner of the John Dos Passos Prize for Literature, a literary award given annually by Longwood University to a talented American writer who experiments with form, explores a range of voices and merits further recognition.
David Duffer ’89, M.S. ’05, was named to the board of directors for The Prizery,