Longwood University has been designated a National Center of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence (CDFAE) by the Defense Cyber Crime Center (DC3).
Longwood University students’ connection with their school isn’t just for four years—it’s for life, they were told at Convocation by their new president.
Longwood University has launched a new alert system accessible to the Prince Edward and Farmville communities.
Longwood University is for the 16th consecutive year ranked among the best colleges in the annual U.S. News & World Report survey.
The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) issued a report today examining the impact of nonacademic services on the cost of a college education for students attending Virginia’s 15 public institutions of higher education.
Poet and memoirist Kelle Groom will read from and discuss her works Monday, Sept. 23, at 8 p.m. in Longwood University's Wygal Auditorium. The event is open to the public.
Longwood nursing students are putting their skills to use around the globe. Nine students and two professors spent ten days in Ecuador this August, administering care to underprivileged communities.
Longwood University has been included in a top-10 national ranking of the "Biggest Girl Power Schools" by the online magazine Her Campus. In addition, Longwood recently was included in a list of Virginia colleges with the Best Student-Teacher Ratios.
Poet Nathaniel Perry will read from and discuss his works Monday, Sept. 9, at 8 p.m. in Longwood University’s Wygal Auditorium.
Longwood University will celebrate the humanities with a series of public programs throughout the 2013-14 academic year.