An eager and excited Class of 2027—and all of their creature comforts—descended on Farmville this week ready to make their mark on Longwood and begin their next life chapter.
Longwood is proud to recognize more than 1,000 students named to the Dean’s List and President’s List for the 2023 spring semester.
On Friday, Aug. 25, the Joan Perry Brock Center will celebrate its grand opening in front of the building’s white façade at 10 a.m.
For seven years, Longwood Board of Visitors member Katharine Bond has watched a slate of rectors guide the university’s governing board with what she calls grace, collegiality and a sense of purpose.
If you connected the dots leading from a Longwood Alumni Happy Hour in Arlington last fall to the three Longwood students who interned at an innovative Northern Virginia IT company this summer, you’d have a straight line of many points, each one an example of the power of the Lancer network.
This summer, Katya Mayer ’24 has drawn on every lesson she’s learned in her business classes at Longwood.
The incoming freshman class paints an impressive picture academically, with 61 percent having a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
For two months this summer, you'll find Gracie Hess '24 in a University of Arkansas at Little Rock classroom, working with professors and seven other students on a high-level, intense research project.
Cainan Townsend has been connected to the Robert Russa Moton Museum his entire life. Now he will shape its future.
The following message was sent to faculty and staff on Tuesday, June 27.