Mary Frances Baldwin Bukva ’72, M.S. ’93 (special education), was inducted into the Warren County (Virginia) High School Athletic Hall of Fame in September 2023. A graduate of the high school, she was a teacher, coach and administrator in the Warren County school system for 48 years before retiring in 2021.

Bukva served the Warren County athletics department in a number of ways—including as secretary of the booster club and as a ticket taker for football, volleyball, basketball and wrestling. She is known as the “voice of the softball team” for serving as the announcer and score person for more than a decade. She did not, however, play sports until she came to Longwood. In college, she played intramural volleyball and field hockey, and was a member of the varsity fencing team.

She became a team captain for the fencing team and won the Virginia State Women’s Foil Championship in 1971.


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