Non-Suited Double Room

Double rooms consist of one room with one to two residents assigned – these residents will share a semi-private bathroom.

Double rooms consist of one room with one to two residents assigned – these residents will share a semi-private bathroom.

Double Suite

Double suites consist of two rooms within the same suite that share a bathroom.

Double suites consist of two rooms within the same suite that share a bathroom.

Triple Suite

Triple suites consist of three rooms within the same suite that share a bathroom. Most of these suites will house six residents, two in each room; while there are some which will house five residents – two residents assigned to two rooms and one resident in the third room.

Triple suites consist of three rooms within the same suite that share a bathroom. Most of these suites will house six residents, two in each room; while there are some which will house five residents – two residents assigned to two rooms and one resident in the third room.