How do I make an appointment with a Career Coach?

The easiest way to make an appointment is to call our office at 434-395-2063 or email us at and we are happy to assist!

Where is University Career Services located?

University Career Services is located in Maugans Alumni Center. Come in the front doors and turn right! 

How do I find an on-campus, internship, or full-time job?

We are happy to schedule a one-on-one appointment to help you create your internship and job search strategy, but if you would like to research what is available before you come in, please check out Handshake. Handshake is our free job posting site that helps students and alumni find open positions as well as explore career jobs and research companies.

Who can I talk to about choosing or changing my major?

We are happy to help you in assessing your skills, values, and interests as they relate to potential majors or changes to your current major. We also encourage you to speak with faculty, students, and alumni about your possible majors.  Chances are they have either taught or taken courses in that major and can provide you with first hand knowledge about the field.

To officially change your major with the University, you must complete and submit a Change of Major form with the Office of the Registrar.

I have accepted a job or internship offer, now what do I do?

First, Congratulations! Second, now that you have officially accepted a job or internship offer you should withdraw any outstanding applications from other employers immediately.  If you are invited to an interview after you have accepted an offer either verbally or in writing, you must decline the interview and inform the employer that you have accepted a position elsewhere.  To do otherwise is a breach of ethics.

I missed my appointment with University Career Services today. What happens next?

In the future we recommend that you reach out to our office 24 hours in advance to let us know if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. A combination of 3 “same day cancellations” or “No Shows” will result in the inability to make appointments with University Career Services staff for the remainder of the semester in which the violation occurs.

What is the etiquette around accepting job and internship offers?

Once you’ve accepted an internship or job office, you should quickly contact the other offices where you had interviews (either completed or scheduled) to remove your name from consideration. If you are offered a position while waiting to hear back from another office, it is acceptable to ask for 24-48 hours to think, but you shouldn’t delay any longer than necessary. It is poor form to use one offer to try and solicit another offer and may backfire on you. Once you have accepted an offer you cannot renege on your agreement if a better offer comes along soon afterward.

What happens if I miss an interview?

While missing an interview is never a good idea, sometimes life has other plans for you, and illness, emergencies, and accidents happen. First, call your contact at the company immediately. Be clear and specific in your cancellation reason (no vague “family emergency” talk—give them an accurate overview!) and an idea of when it will pass. Then make yourself available for a rescheduled interview as quickly as possible, even if it means shuffling your schedule in other ways. Hiring decisions are often time-sensitive, and even if a company really wants YOU, they may have to choose another candidate if you can’t be there when they need you.​

First Destination Survey

Each academic year University Career Services surveys all graduating graduate and undergraduate students at Longwood University to gather information regarding employment status, graduate/professional school enrollment, and starting salaries. 

Students, Parents, and Families if you have any questions please review our FAQ about the First Destination Survey. 

What is the First Destination Survey?

The First Destination Survey is a short, online survey that asks about what graduating students are doing or plan to do upon graduating from Longwood University.  Graduates are asked about their employment status, career field, job location, employer information, salary, and graduate/professional school enrollment. 

Where do I find the First Destination Survey? 

The First Destination Survey can be accessed by logging into Handshake and completing the survey.  The survey will be attached to your Handshake profile and if you cannot find it please reach out University Career Services. 

How long will it take to complete the survey? 

The First Destination Survey is short (five to seven minutes) online survey that is available to Longwood University students prior to graduation. 

How will this information be used? 

The information you share, we will work to enhance our services provided to all Longwood University alumni as well as current and future Lancers.  Summary reports of the results are also used for accreditation and federal and state compliance.  

Are my responses confidential? 

Your responses are strictly confidential and no individual's answers will ever be identified in any report. 

Where can I find further information on this topic?

For any further questions please email Megan Miller, Associate Director, Campus Career Engagement at