Career Services is here to help you make the most of your four years at Longwood. By starting your career preparation journey as soon as freshman year, you will set yourself up for success after graduation. Getting a later start? That’s okay too-- we can meet you where you are, regardless of if that’s as a first semester Freshman or in August of your senior year. 

We offer four key services, each with different component elements that can be tailored to your needs.

  • Career and Graduate School Exploration

With Career and Graduate School Exploration, you will meet with one of our career advisors to discuss possible avenues for your first post-grad years. That might look like a traditional corporate job, or perhaps volunteer work abroad via the Peace Corps; it might also be entry into a graduate program to pursue additional education in a Master’s or Doctoral program. 

All of our majors at Longwood are pathways towards your future goals--- we can help you figure out what that goal is!


  • Network Building and activating the Alumni Network

In a Network Building session, you will work on increasing the size and scope of your LinkedIn profile, connecting to professionals in your field, and utilizing the expansive Longwood Alumni network to increase your professional circle and visibility. In building your network you are able to learn, grow, and develop as a young professional while still an undergraduate student. This, in turn, will position you well for success after graduation.


  • Career Document Preparation

Meeting with a career advisor for a Career Document Preparation will enable to you review, edit, revise, and perfect your resumes, cover letters, personal statements, and “elevator pitches” with someone trained in the current best practices. Resume and cover letters in particular have undergone many adjustments in standards and expectations over the last years, and having the most current formatting, layout, appearance, and content will help ensure your application lands in front of the hiring manager.


  • Interview Practice (through mock interviews)

The final step in your career preparation journey is with a mock interview an Interview Practice appointment. When you’ve made it to the interview stage, one of our career advisors will sit down with you in a real-life interview setting, ask you relevant, in-depth questions connected to your potential company, and provide individualized feedback on how to improve or expand your answers.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Go here!

Megan Miller

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