student in cafe on laptop in winter

Make an Appointment

We know your resume and cover letter might be the last things on your mind over break, but winter break is the best time to work on them since you don't have to juggle classes, homework, clubs, and all your other responsibilities. You can go into your spring semester confident that your resume and cover letter are up to par. Make an appointment between December 13-17 or anytime after January 4! For a full list of our services and types of appointments, click here.

Search for Jobs and Internships

Handshake has a wide variety of jobs and internships for students in every major. Sometimes that can be daunting, which is why we've done the searching for you with our Job and Internship Board. We've done our best to filter current listings by major, but if you don't see something that interests you, log in to Handshake to search and sort the positions available or contact us at

Connect with Five New People on LinkedIn Each Week

There are TONS of jobs out there that never get listed on the job boards. In order to get those opportunities, you need to know the right people, and they need to understand your value. That's why it's so important to network strategically. Think about the companies you really want to work for in the future and make an effort to connect with people who work at those companiesLongwood alumni work in thousands of organizations and fields, so there’s a strong chance you’ll find a fellow Lancer there. The stronger your relationships are with your network, the better chance you'll be recommended for an opportunity when it comes up. LinkedIn is the best place to network and we have plenty of resources to help you.

Build your Elevator Pitch

You use your elevator pitch every time you introduce yourself at business functions. Essentially, it's a statement that describes who you are, what you do best, and what you want to do next. Create a brief statement that articulates all of this information, so it's easy (and natural) to use when you introduce yourself to people at networking events. Click here for tips to make your pitch stand out.

Create a "Master" Resume

When you apply for jobs, you don't have a ton of time to waste. In fact, if an opportunity presents itself, you want to apply as soon as possible. However, it's important to customize your resume for each opportunity. This is where people typically run into problems. They try to create a resume from scratch whenever they apply for a job, which is insanely time-consuming.

Instead, create a "master" resume with all of your experience, skills, and accomplishments. That way, you can copy and paste the most relevant content into a template, which will save you a TON of time each time you apply for a job.

About the Author

Maugans Alumni Center

The Office of Alumni and Career Services

The Office of Alumni and Career Services strives to empower the Longwood University community to dream big, embrace lifelong learning, celebrate our history, provide personal and professional growth opportunities and further commit the ideals of citizen leadership.

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