• student in cafe on laptop in winter

    Things To Do Over Winter Break

    Here are our five tips to get ahead next semester.

  • Informational Interviews Help You Get Ahead

    Getting a job offer is a true process, often the result of several weeks or months of searches, applications, phone screenings, interviews, and negotiations.

  • Creating your Professional Brand

    Okay, maybe when it comes to canned veggies and frozen desserts, store-bought is fine, but when it’s you, branding is key, and taking the time now to think through your personal brand will pay large dividends later.

  • What Does Business-Forward Attire Mean?

    For some, pulling a business-ready outfit together takes no more effort than opening their closet. Still, many students face barriers to that kind of easy clothing assemblage.

  • Putting it All Online

    Throughout your collegiate career, you've likely amassed quite the collection of work: research papers, projects, slides, presentation handouts, summaries and critiques, graphics, video edits, and countless other items you completed for your classes,

  • Alumni, student participation triple in 2020 Work Shadow Program

    When more than 80 alums volunteer to spend a day showing current Longwood students the ropes of their jobs you know you’ve got an amazing network of caring and generous alumni.

  • You’ve connected—now what?

    Now that Career Week is over—the workshops, the networking session, the career fair—what do you do with the business cards and emails from the professionals whom you met?

  • What to Know when Mixing Business and Fun

    Now that much of the working world has returned to in-person events, it’s time to brush up on the guidelines and expectations for what to do when you’re in a situation that combines a work environment with food and drinks.

  • Pack it up, Pack it in

    Career Week is rapidly approaching, and with events and activities open to all Longwood students, you can use your time during Fall Break to make sure you’ve got the clothes you need and the items you’ll want.

  • Hello, my name is..my name is.. my name is..what’s my name again?

    “Introduce yourself!’ is one of those commands that sounds like it should be easy, second nature, no problem-- somewhere along the lines of “tie your shoes” or “turn off the lights.”

  • 4 Tips To Help You Stand Out on LinkedIn

    Though not difficult as a whole, there are some small but significant steps to take when building your LinkedIn profile to help you stand out and set yourself up for success.

  • What's a Cover Letter and Why Do I Need One?

    If you’re already sending in a resume as an overview of your skills, accomplishments, and knowledge, is it really necessary to add in a cover letter?

  • Resumes: What’s The Deal?

    For a term that’s in regular, constant rotation, there can be a lot of confusion over what a resume is and what one is supposed to do.

  • We're Here to Help

    Career Services is here to help you make the most of your four years at Longwood.

  • 3 High-Payoff Activities That Will Help You Get Hired

    When you’re looking for a job, it can be easy to fill your time by applying to jobs online. Unfortunately, this isn’t the most effective use of your time.

  • branding yourself online

    3 Tips For Branding Yourself Online

    Having a strong, cohesive personal brand is essential to success, whether you’re looking for a job, making a career change, or just trying to advance your career. That’s why branding yourself effectively online is so important. Think you have a weak

  • 4 Ways to Meet People in Your Target Industry

    Meeting people in your target industry isn’t hard when you know where to look! Try these activities and see how big your network can grow.

  • How to Network Your Way Into ANY Industry

    When you’re networking, it’s important to be strategic and intentional with your efforts.