Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the Office of Career Services will be hosting an online drop-in office from 1:00-2:30 pm.

We welcome Longwood University students and alumni to join the Zoom office for assistance with resumes and cover letters, questions about interviews or LinkedIn pages, and the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one full appointment if necessary.

Upon joining the Zoom office you will be placed into a “waiting room,” and then brought into the office as soon as possible. To maintain confidentiality, only one person will be in the office at a time.

To access the Zoom office, please click this link  https://zoom.us/j/717447088

You will be automatically sent to an individual online waiting room until it’s your turn.



  • When is the virtual office open?

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:00-2:30 pm

  • What if need more help than a quick question?

Please email us at Career@longwood.edu to schedule an individualized one-on-one session with one of our staff members?

  • Why can’t we all be in there at once instead of in a waiting room?

We want to make sure all of our attendees are given individual attention and confidentiality

  • What if I join at 2:15? Will I still be seen?

Yes! We will keep the online office open until all Longwood students and alumni who are in line have been seen for that day

  • Can I be on my phone instead of on my computer?

Yes! We are happy to have you call into the online office; simply use the number below:


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