Check out this list of examples to help you nail your next call.

In the age we live in, it’s easy to be face-to-face with your friends and family even if you’re a world away. Luckily, the same applies to employers and their potential employees!

If you have a virtual interview coming up, it’s key to leave a lasting impression. One way to do this is by asking insightful, thought-provoking questions during your video call! When your interviewer can’t read your body language or make small talk while they walk you around the office, the questions you ask might be their most memorable takeaway from your chat.

Prepare More Than Just A Killer Outfit

Asking good questions can not only be beneficial for your prospects, but also for your own personal knowledge about the company. So before you dial into your video interview, compile a list of thoughtful questions to ask. Here are a few examples:

  • “How would you describe the company’s culture?”
  • “What does a typical day look like for you?”
  • “How do you feel you’ve grown in your role since joining the company?”
  • “Could you explain your team’s dynamics?”
  • “What kind of opportunities does the company offer when it comes to career growth (ex: mentorship in the workspace)?”
  • “What difficulties have you’ve experienced in your role, and how did you overcome them?”
  • “What is the organization doing to help/impact the world at large?”

Don’t limit your questions to these. It’s always a plus to look up the company’s mission statement or interesting projects they’ve worked on recently, and bring those up in your interview. It’s also great to jot down handwritten notes during your interview and ask follow-up questions about a specific topic! The interviewer wants to see that you’ve put in effort to research the company—showing that you’re a self-starter—and that you genuinely want to contribute to their mission.

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