At first thought, researching a company and its open position may seem tedious, and even a tad uninteresting. Before knocking the idea, consider this: if you haven’t devoted time to learn about your ideal workplace, and the impact you could be making, you’re simply missing the mark. With the internet at our fingertips, there are more avenues for job researching than ever.

Start at the source- the company’s website.

Give the official site a thorough scan, with emphasis on their “About Us” page. Take note of the company’s strong suits. Are you able to articulate what makes the company unique compared to its competitors? This is also the time to consider if your values and motives align with their mission. You can also get a feel for the company’s ethical and financial health from their web content. See if they’re in good standing by checking any pages that include press information or financial statements.


Hit their company up with the “follow” on social media. 

If the company utilizes any social media pages, get to know their voice further by reading into and connecting with those platforms. Embrace who their audience is and how the company engages with its followers.


Google to your heart’s content.

In many ways, google and researching go hand-in-hand. This also applies to when you’re studying up on businesses. Once you type in the company’s name or other related keywords in the search engine, we advise you dive into the first five pages of results. This will how poised and consistent they are portrayed online. As you surf through links, pay attention to the websites that spark your interest. Take it a step further by bookmarking them as a helpful study tool as you complete the application process or prepare for an interview.


Learn the company culture through external websites.

It’s one thing to review the website and social media profiles created firsthand by the company. Before whipping up that application, build on the information you’ve researched by visiting outside sources as well. Websites like Glassdoor and The Muse offer reviews, employee interviews, and other company qualities to help you obtain honest information. The personal responses from employees may also determine your desire to pursue the company further.


Connect with the company on LinkedIn.

If you’ve ever worked with us in the Career Services office, you’ll know just how much we admire LinkedIn. Use this platform to your full advantage by browsing the company profile and the members they have employed. Once you form an idea of the kind of person they like to hire, find out if you have any first or second degree connections with those employees. This would be a prime opportunity to connect with and direct them to any questions you may have. If you are without a LinkedIn account and have an interest in setting up a profile, contact us in Career Services! We will gladly assist you.


Sniff out the competition in the industry.

A smart researcher knows all the sides to the subject at hand. Take this opportunity to become aware of how other companies in the field are managing current issues and efforts. Notice how the company you’re interested in is responding to these special topics, and how those actions stand out compared to its competing establishments.


So now you have a lovely bundle of resources to aid you in the job quest. What’s next? Take these tips as food for thought, and execute them for yourself. Along with researching, deeply reflect on how your qualifications and skills align with the desired position. Transfer these ideas into your application materials, such as cover letters, resumes, and other application prompts. Drive the process home by voicing your knowledge during the interview.

Studying looks different for everyone, but one thing is certain: taking the time and effort to research potential job opportunities will only serve you well. Understanding who the company is, how it aims to grow, and current trends it’s experiencing will help you elevate above the masses. Not only will recruiters and employers notice your preparedness for anything tossed your way, but they’ll also be impressed with yo

About the Author

Lindsay Hively ’19 & ‘21

Hi there! I’m Lindsay, a current graduate assistant for Longwood’s Office of Alumni and Career Services. I’m also a graduate student in the Counselor Education program, specifically the Mental Health track. After spending the best four years at LU for my undergrad, I simply couldn’t get enough. I’m excited to work with you on building your career. Feel free to stop by our office and meet me!

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