We asked alumni to share advice they wish they knew while searching for jobs and internships. Here is what some of them had to say:

1. "To ask for help! I would have saved myself from so many future problems if I had learned to ask for help long before I needed it. It does not make you look weak or incompetent to ask for help. You're just trying to do the best job possible and asking for help is a part of that sometimes. " -Avery Allen '18

2. "Working in an actual office in between years at Longwood helped me to understand the work ethic involved in some careers. It helped me to be better focused on not only understanding concepts for my major, but the requirements needed to work in an office environment. The teamwork, the independence of some projects, and the self-reliance needed." -Lori Beekman '91

3. "Shadow programs will allow you to gain more experience and to be hands-on. I didn't have the opportunity to work as an intern but my experience on campus working in the dining hall and at the radio station helped me to gain experience which I incorporate in my own business.  Just get out of your comfort zone and experience working on campus or a summer job because you never know what you will need in the years to come." -Harron Fells '90

4. "I subbed for my summer job and realized I liked teaching middle school more than elementary, which was my major. As a result, I ended up going to Longwood for my master's in middle school math and algebra education. Signing up for the Work Shadow program can help you see possibilities and opportunities you may not have seen otherwise." -Rachel West '14

5. "I wish I knew back then how important the people you meet in your field are. Asking questions, emailing, and volunteering for things is very important!" -Phaedra Boyd '07

6. "I wish I knew that everything will be okay and that everything will work out itself out. Sometimes what you think might be the worst thing ever, you will look back and be thankful it happened. It's okay to not be completely sure what's going to happen after school because we all felt like that before. Having all the different emotions approaching graduation and even after are normal!" -Brittany Jackson '18

7. "By entering the work shadow program, you may find an interest that you never knew you had! While an internship did not introduce me to my career, I wish I had been more open to learning about careers in technology since there is so much more available than a software engineer. After starting a business job, I interacted with individuals in our IT department to learn about what they did while working hard to expand my knowledge, which eventually led to me being offered a position in an IT area. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone!" - Vanessa Skidmore '08

8. "An internship at Independence Air as a recruiter changed my career path from IT to teaching! And I've never looked back since! I'm a proud public school teacher & want to encourage ALL students to make connections, network, apply for any internship they want, follow up with the company, and enjoy each opportunity that comes their way! We can't tell the future, but our actions today sure can help predict it!!!" -Heather VanDyke '06

9. "I did two internships, one that was major-related another that was passion-driven! Guess which one changed my plans....  always follow your passion! It makes getting up every day to work not feel like a job but a pleasure! Be creative when selling yourself in interviews! If you prepare and think outside the box you will be surprised how many things you have done that can be related to all different jobs!  Being a Longwood graduate is one of the best cards in your pocket! Rock that Lancer spirit! The world needs more Lancers!" -Nicole James '03

Longwood Alumni

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