Here are our top 8 tips to propel confidence during an interview, even if you don't feel confident.

    1. Listen to a song that hypes you up!
        • Music is a great way to shake nervous jitters and boost self-confidence! Pick one of your favorite songs, put it on blast on the way to your interview, and let the music hype you up!

      via GIPHY

    2.  Pep talk yourself beforehand
      • Sometimes we can be our worst critic, so make sure to remind yourself of all the wonderful things about yourself! Not only will you benefit from getting a job with the company, but the company will benefit from having you on their team.  If you are aware of all your amazing qualities, it will be easier for those aspects of yourself to shine in the interview too! A good way to do this is to look at yourself in the mirror and list a few of your favorite assets or motivational phrases, such as “I am a hard worker.” “I am amazing.” “This company would be lucky to have me.”
    3. Write down words of encouragement
      • Sometimes positivity reminders can help us get through the day! Before your interview, write down some words of encouragement to frame your mind accordingly. Take a sticky note and write inspiring quotes on it and then post it in places around your house that you will see the day of your interview! Imagine waking up and seeing a note that says, “You can do it!” on your bathroom mirror; what a great message to see in the morning!
    4. Wear something that makes you feel great (but make sure it’s still professional!)
      • Wear something comfortable that also makes you feel great! Put on your favorite shirt or a cute pair of shoes; however, make sure your outfit remains professional. 

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    5. Take a few deep breaths/meditation
      • Interviews can be nerve-racking, so take a moment to yourself if you need to do so. Taking a few deep breaths, or practicing meditation can help calm your anxieties and help you relax before your interview.
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    6. Think positively
      • Failure is a part of life, but we can’t let ourselves think about it constantly. Try to channel positive thoughts and focus on those instead of catastrophizing the situation. When a negative thought comes into your mind, try to think of its opposite (aka a positive though or better outcome) and then focus on that. You are qualified for the job, you have prepared for this moment, and you are going to conquer this interview!
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    7. Think of the interview like a conversation
      • One tip that I find helpful is to change how I think about the interview. Imagine that you are simply having a conversation with someone about your qualifications and career goals. In other words, instead of thinking about the interview like it’s a make-or-break situation, simply imagine having a conversation about yourself with someone else.
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    8. Reframe the interview
      • This interview is not the end of the world. It can seem daunting interviewing with a company that you REALLY want to work for, but everything is going to be okay! Remember, you’re interviewing the company too! You hold some of the power because you get to decide whether the company is a good fit for you or not. Have confidence, trust in yourself, and you will do fine.

About the Author

Haley Tucker ‘19 & ‘21

Hello everyone! I’m Haley, and I’m currently a graduate assistant at Longwood’s Office of Alumni and Career Services. I am also a graduate student in Longwood’s master’s program for Counselor Education in the College Counseling and Student Affairs track. I can’t wait to help you with your career needs! Stop by our office and come see me soon!

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