Starting a brand new job can be a little nerve-wracking. You have so much to learn and you want to make a great first impression. The first 90 days on the job are so important to your success in the role and at the company. So, put your best foot forward! Here are a few things you should be doing during your first few months on the job.

Have a one-on-one chat with your boss.

Have a conversation with your new boss and get clear on what’s expected of you, how much communication is appropriate, and if there’s anything else you need to understand moving forward. This will give you a clear idea of your expectations as a new hire, which will give you a good foundation to stand on.


Get in the habit of getting feedback.

Ask for feedback regularly, and don’t take critical feedback personally. You’re new. You’re learning. You’re going to make mistakes. It’s important to learn how to take feedback, even if it’s not what you want to hear, and use it moving forward. That’s how you’re going to learn, grow, and succeed at the company. Plus, when you actually listen to the feedback you’re given from your boss and co-workers, they’ll gain confidence in your ability to do the job well.


Find a mentor in the office.

There’s usually at least one person in the office who’s more than happy to show you the ropes. Find that person and learn as much as you can from him or her. It will help you realize what you don’t know, understand the team dynamic, learn how things get done, and so on.

If you have more questions about your brand new job, head over to career services at Longwood University and chat with a career coach. Both students and alumni are encouraged to leverage this resource. Check it out!



Ariella Coombs

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