You probably make some great New Year’s Resolutions every year. But how many of those resolutions relate to your career? This year, be strategic with your goals so you can find an amazing job. Here are three resolutions to make in 2018 that will help you do that:

1. Spend one hour a day honing a relevant skill.

What skills will set you apart from your competition? What skills do you NEED in order to land a certain type of job? Think about this, determine what skill you should learn, and spend a little time each day honing that skill.

2. Connect with five new people each week.

There are TONS of jobs out there that never get listed on the job boards. In order to get those opportunities, you need to know the right people, and they need to understand your value. That’s why it’s so important to network strategically. Think about the companies you really want to work for in the future, and make an effort to connect with people who work at those companies. The stronger your relationships are with these people, the better chance you’ll be recommended for an opportunity when it comes up.

3. Work with a coach on your strategy.

Getting insight and advice from an expert can significantly cut down frustration when it comes to your job search. A coach or mentor can look at your situation objectively, and walk you though what you should do in order to land a job. If you need more help building your career strategy, book an appointment with Longwood University Career Services and work with a career coach.

Make 2018 your most productive year ever! If you make these activities regular habits, you will set yourself up to get a great new job. Cheers to a great 2018!

About the Author

Ariella Coombs

Over the last 4 years, Ariella has been creating fun, yet educational blog posts and videos to help professionals build the career lifestyle they want. Her work has been featured in 12+ online publications, including TeenVogue, Business Insider, H&R Block, USA TODAY College, and more. One day, she hopes to host my own TV or web show for career-minded millennials.

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