Amazon Building

Competition is TOUGH when it comes to earning a role at top companies like Amazon. But if you have the resume it takes to land an interview, you’re halfway there. But what else does it take to win over the hiring team at Amazon?

The truth is, a great resume won’t get you the job, a great interview will. That’s why you need to focus on your interview strategy if you want to compete with (and beat) the other candidates who want the job. Here are three interview questions you might get asked if you’re competing for a job at Amazon and how you can prepare for them:

1. Why Amazon? 

Articulate why you want to work for Amazon over ANY other company. What is it about Amazon that you appreciate, respect, or admire? What connects you to the company on a deeper level? It could be its mission, it could be the people who work there, or it could be a product they sell. Did the Amazon Echo (aka Alexa) change your life so much that you decided you wanted to work there? Tell them. They want to know you’re in it for more than just the money.

2. How can you translate your skills towards Amazon?

Give some relevant examples that tie your skills to the job. Briefly share a challenge you had, what relevant skills you used to overcome that challenge, and what you took away from that experience that will allow you to be more valuable in the future, particularly at Amazon.

3. What experiences do you have that separate you from the rest?

Showcase your unique experience or strengths. Ask yourself this: If you were competing for a job with someone who had the exact same resume as you, why should you get the job? This is where your soft skills can really come into play. Maybe it’s easy for you to connect and influence others. Showcase that skill using a brief example that demonstrates your abilities.

If you want to get a better idea of what job interviews are like at Amazon, check out Amazon’s Interview Reviews on Glassdoor. This will give you some insight on how the company conducts interviews, what questions you could be asked, and more.

Valuable insight like this can help you prepare more effectively before you go in for the actual interview. Not only will you have an idea of what might be discussed, but you’ll also have an idea of what you’ll need to emphasize in order to sell yourself as a candidate.


If you need more help with your interview strategy, book an appointment with Longwood University Career Services and work with a career coach.

About the Author

Ariella Coombs

Over the last 4 years, Ariella has been creating fun, yet educational blog posts and videos to help professionals build the career lifestyle they want. Her work has been featured in 12+ online publications, including TeenVogue, Business Insider, H&R Block, USA TODAY College, and more. One day, she hopes to host my own TV or web show for career-minded millennials.

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