You might be infamous for your procrastination “skills” when it comes to doing homework, laundry, or other projects, but if you think you can wait until the last minute to find a job, think again.

If you’re a senior in college, you need to start job searching now if you want to secure a position after graduation. Why can’t you wait until you’re done with school? Here are a few compelling reasons...

It can take months to land a job.

Unlike a test, you can’t really “cram” for a job search. Unless you’re incredibly lucky (or have strategically set yourself up), finding a job in a matter of weeks is pretty unrealistic. According to some experts, it could take six months to find a job that pays $60,000 per year. However, there’s no real timeframe that you can expect to land a job. It’s best to plan for a long job search and start as soon as possible.

Competition will be high after graduation.

When graduation season rolls around, you’re not going to be the only one who’s aggressively looking for a job. The competition for jobs will be overwhelming, and employers will be flooded with applications. As a result, it will be nearly impossible to stand out. Why put yourself in that situation when you can be proactive early on?

You'll be swamped during the weeks leading up to graduation.

Between finals, moving out, and finishing up your Senior Bucket list, you’re going to be pretty busy right before graduation. Don’t set yourself up to fail by waiting until the busiest time of your college career to start looking for a job. Wouldn’t it be nice to soak up the last few weeks of college without worrying about your job search?

Don’t wait until graduation day to start job searching. Instead, take steps to find a job as soon as possible so you can set yourself up for success. For more help with your job search, book an appointment with Longwood University Career Services.

About the Author

Ariella Coombs

Over the last 4 years, Ariella has been creating fun, yet educational blog posts and videos to help professionals build the career lifestyle they want. Her work has been featured in 12+ online publications, including TeenVogue, Business Insider, H&R Block, USA TODAY College, and more. One day, she hopes to host my own TV or web show for career-minded millennials.

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