An interview should be more like a conversation than an interrogation. That means, you should be asking questions in addition to answering them.

Why? It shows that you’re interested in the company, job, and people. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to connect with your interviewer, which will make you stand out among all of the other candidates.

But what kinds of questions should you ask? Here are a few good questions to ask during a job interview…

What do you love most about working here?

Asking the interviewer’s opinion of the company is a great way to get him or her talking, create a personal connection, and learn about life inside the company walls.

What kind of person does it take to succeed in this role?

When you have a clear understanding of what it takes to thrive in the job, you can use it as another opportunity to sell yourself for the position. For example, if the interviewer says that you need to be a strong leader in order to succeed, you can share an example of a time you successfully lead your team and got results.

How would you describe your company culture?

Finding a company where you fit in is key to your happiness and success. As a result, employers are focusing on finding the “right fit” candidates more than ever. So, if you can understand what the day-to-day environment is like at this company, you can get a better sense of whether or not you’re a fit.

All of these questions will allow you to gain valuable insight about the company that you can’t find online. Plus, asking questions like these can give you the opportunity to highlight more examples of why you’re the right person for the job.

If you need more help with interview prep, book an appointment with Longwood University Career Services.

About the Author

Ariella Coombs

Over the last 4 years, Ariella has been creating fun, yet educational blog posts and videos to help professionals build the career lifestyle they want. Her work has been featured in 12+ online publications, including TeenVogue, Business Insider, H&R Block, USA TODAY College, and more. One day, she hopes to host my own TV or web show for career-minded millennials.

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