
What if you got the opportunity for a new job, but it required you to contact all your friends, classmates, and family to talk about selling financial investments?

Check out this episode of the Day After Graduation Podcast, "Wildlife" HERE.


In this podcast, we explore the experiences of two people who have gone beyond the 9-5 job life; and spend their time working and living a little closer to nature than most of us.

Jennie Wysong '09

After graduating from Longwood studying Kinesiology, she went straight from college to spending time in the Peace Corp in Senegal, Africa.

She remembers looking for a job from there, and finding her first job as a zip line guide in a town called Scagway, Alaska...

Her job was to take guests from their cruise ships to zipping over waterfalls and valleys with steep zip lines.  Jenny describes seasonal work as ‘college without homework’. The experience of living in a small and very cut off community for her meant forging strong friendships and a sense of community which she appreciates to this day. A life filled with variety and excitement.

In her opinion, there are two options: Working hard from the start and getting the money but not having the time to do all the exciting things that you have always dreamed about; or doing a couple of years in seasonal work and making your job your vacation while still making money!

Mary Alice Colo '65

Mary Alice was ready for big things. She packed her bags and decided it was time for an adventure before starting out a normal life.

Mary Alice

A few friends and herself went to Yellowstone National Park to take on summer jobs and experience what life was like at the park.

Mary Alice conveys her experience with such feeling and advocates taking some time before ‘life hits you in the face’, creating memories to take with you on your life’s journey.

Are you planning on creating memories and experiences? What will you look back on in 50 years? Whether it’s a holiday job, gap year or a few years of seasonal work, the option is there to do something exciting to season the stories you will tell future generations.

This episode is all about what a non-traditional year after school is like. Listen to hear:

  • Whether you prefer a bear-jam instead of a traffic jam?
  • More about the exciting life of an adventure excursion guide.
  • Amazing and funny encounters with wild life.
  • Whether a gap year is really a good idea?
  • What happens when you leave your comfort zone?


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