“What are your plans after graduation?”

This very common question is one we get asked regularly. The answer to which is often unsettling or at least unclear, but still the question is one that every senior at Longwood is forced to consider. This new and final school year means so much more than just new classes and more homework. It means this will be our last year of pulling all-nighters together with classmates. For nine more months, we'll still be just a few steps away from our closest friends. For most of us, this is the last year we'll be calling Longwood "home." For the last three years, and up until now, we have never had to question what our next step will be or to start creating concrete plans. This next year means preparing for the rest of our lives. So how should seniors prepare for graduation when it's only September and when Commencement on Wheeler Lawn is still nine months away?

What’s next?

A few of the graduates from the Class of 2015 and 2016 were asked how should seniors prepare for the next step after May 20th. Here's what they told us. 

I tried to prepare myself as much as possible. I started looking for jobs early and went to as many preliminary interviews as I could to give myself experience and exposure.

Madison Gandee ‘16

Have a plan and then a backup plan. I didn't know I got into grad school until June and I didn't have a backup, so always venture into different options, especially since your first and foremost plan isn't always guaranteed.

Daishan Johnson '16

So for those going to graduate school immediately after graduation, my advice would be to start getting organized and try to reach out to other students that will be in your program, so you can work together to figure things out. I would also say give yourself a week or two of the summer to relax and hangout with your friends before you start classes or start your new job. Once you start there's no turning back.

Sheridan Simeck '15

Don’t ever think it’s too late to step out of your comfort zone. Allow yourself enough time to get your work done but also make sure you’re giving yourself enough time to work on being a better version of yourself everyday.

Nicole Persons ‘16

Cherish the moments you’re having right now because when you’re seated in your seat at graduation you realize that you’ll never be able to experience something like Longwood again.

Marie Meader ‘16

There is much to do and experience as Longwood seniors. Some of our best nights lay ahead for sure, but the truth is that time is short and making a smooth transition into the real world takes planning. Univeristy Career Services has already helped by emphasizing Linkedin and The Longwood Newtork for making connections with alumni. The Career Coaches explored with each of us the different possibilities that exist while making it clear that it's time to hone-in on a career development strategy. 

Senior year is going to be amazing, but we want to graduate with a plan and maybe a job. We suspect everyone in the Class of 2017 does too!

About the Author

Drew Pelkey, Savannah Scheerer and Nicole Stevens

Drew, Savannah and Nicole are 2016-2017 interns in the Office of Alumni and Career Services. They are Department of Communication Studies majors actively working (sometimes a little too hard) to enjoy their Senior Year. On the side, they're pursuing jobs and careers in communications, higher education and/or still working to be inspired.

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